The South32 Library

South32 is a domain-squatting scheme covered up with a low-budget movie created by "Luigi Bian", real name Saeid Yomtobian.

It was first discovered by a Reddit user messing with faults in Google Translate, and getting brought to a website known as either "" or "", redirecting to "".

At that time, the South32 website was just videos of people talking about the movie.

After it was covered by youtuber Elder's Vault, many people discovered that very many random URLs would bring you to South32 sites.

The "" domain was most likely bought to deter people from the Australian mining company, "".

Not long after Elder's Vault made his video, the website changed drastically.

It was first changed to a gif of an unorthodox man maniacally laughing as his eyes twitch, with "SOUTH32" and "Fantasies" flashing on the screen.

The website also included an image of a corpse hanging above hundreds of black-eyed people in a cinema, with the text "COMING SOON SOUTH32" on the bottom.

Then, the website started offering a "cash reward" to whoever can find the "man with the Australian accent calling himself Mr. Elder", clearly referencing Elder's Vault.

Now, the websites have become an eyesore of bright red and yellow text and low-quality images, making serious legal accusations against whichever company has recently wronged Saeid Yomtobian.

The "movie" was released in 2016, and is free to watch online, but these 70,000+ websites are still up.

This website exists to list the links to these South32 websites.